Tag: HSE Compliance

HSE Compliance
HSE Compliance.

HSE stands for Health, Safety & Environment. Literally meaning “Health, Safety and Environment,” the acronym refers to all systems or people dedicated to the safety of the company’s people and the environment. The acronym HSE is contrasted with various professionals. For example, HSE specialists address issues related to occupational safety, worker health, and environmental protection, while HSE managers are professionals who deal with organizations. safety-related risks.

Similarly, the concept of health, safety and environment can be applied to regulatory compliance, indicating all regulations related to health, safety and environment.
HSE Regulatory Compliance
Every company must comply with HSE regulations, especially companies working with chemicals must handle this carefully, and GHS regulations must also be applied.
Companies working with chemicals must comply with GHS regulations.
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, GHS is an internationally recognized standard administered by the United Nations to standardize the classification and labeling pattern for hazardous materials.

In fact, for chemicals to be used, transported and sold, there are specific regulations and attached documents.
All of which protect safety, health and the environment. This is why the GHS chemical standard falls under the broader area of the HSE Annex.
Necessary steps
In order to maintain HSE compliance when using chemicals, it is important to follow all the directions of the GHS standard. In practical terms, this means that for every hazardous substance you use, transport or trade, you must:

Rank the dangers
Developing safety data sheets (SDS)
Printing compliant hazard labels
Send an IPA alert to a poison control center

To facilitate these processes and ensure HSE compliance when handling chemicals, software can be used to automate processes to ensure compliance.

Etichette di pericolo e schede di sicurezza, i due documenti della compliance GHS

What is the difference between GHS Hazard Labels and Material Safety Data Sheets?

The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals(GHS) is a standard for classifying chemicals. It was developed by the United Nations to make information on chemical hazards more consistent across countries. The goal is to facilitate the communication of information essential to the safety of those working with chemicals, especially internationally. The GHS system includes two main documents: hazard labels (or ghs labels) and the
safety data sheets (SDS)
. Both documents contain information on the hazards associated with the use, handling and transportation of chemicals.

Hazard labels and Material Safety Data Sheets: two GHS documents.

The Hazard Labels (GHS Label).

The hazard label (or
GHS label
) is a label that must be placed on chemical packages to inform customers and transporters regarding the chemical and physical hazards of a substance. Hazard labels consist of information about the substance, hazards and precautions to be taken, and procedures in case of an accident, with relevant emergency contacts.

To write a hazard label, it is necessary to follow the outline given in the GHS.

GHS standards
provide for the classification of chemicals into different categories, such as flammable, corrosive or carcinogenic. Each type of hazard is associated with a different pictogram, making it easier to read the labels by overcoming language barriers.

The purpose of this system is to ensure that workers can understand what hazards they are exposed to in the workplace so that they can take appropriate precautions. Likewise, they are needed to ensure that consumers are aware of the potential risks of using products containing hazardous substances in the home.

The Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Material Safety Data Sheets (SDS) also contain information on the hazards associated with chemicals. Unlike hazard labels, MSDSs are more detailed documents that are attached to chemical products. It is an organic and comprehensive document that touches on all points related to
HSE compliance
(Health, Safety & Environment), pointing out hazards and precautions to protect health, safety and environment

They can be in hard copy or digital format and must be prepared, again following the guidance found in the GHS, by the manufacturing company.

Common purpose: to facilitate safe handling

The main difference between a hazard label and an MSDS is in their purpose.

Precisely because it is listed directly on the packaging, the goal of ahazard label is to be comprehensive, yet easy to read. This is also done through the use of pictograms: through the use of coded symbols, it is possible to quickly communicate the type of danger presented by the substance, and without resorting to a textual explanation (which suffers from the translation problem).

On the other hand, MSDSs are presented as accompanying documents. SDSs are not directly printed on the chemical they refer to; they are more complex to read, but at the same time they are extremely comprehensive.

However, the essential information is present in both documents.

Different format, common goal

In conclusion, the differences between the
GHS labels
and the
safety data sheets
are not great.

As we have seen, MSDSs and hazard labels both contain hazard information about the chemical substance or mixture to which they relate. The format of each document may be different, but the information on hazards and safety precautions for handling chemicals is the same. They both have the same purpose: to make sure that anyone who comes into contact with that product is aware of the necessary precautions to be taken to protect their health, the health of other workers and the environment, the dangers they may face, and what to do in the event of an accident.

Making Hazard Labels and Material Safety Data Sheets with one GHS software

GHS Software for HSE Compliance Management
is designed to draft both types of documents. With Chemilla, you can design GHS labels and print them directly from your business devices. Again with just a few clicks, you can also draft MS DSs by drawing directly from information in the ECHA database. By simply entering the substance, Chemilla can draft an SDS and related hazard labels in the different GHS regulations (EU CLP, US HazCom and China), translate them into more than 30 languages, print them or send them digitally.

Learn about all of Chemilla’s services now or request a
free, no-obligation demo
of our safety data sheet software. Start optimizing your HSE management today!

schede di sicurezza prodotti chimici (SDS) realizzate con Chemilla, software per schede di sicurezza, HSE manager per la compliance GHS

What are Chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) used for?

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or Safety Data Sheet.

SDS stands for Safety Data Sheet. This is a document that provides the information needed to work safely with chemicals. MSDSs are required by law, but they are also essential to protect the health of your company’s workers and environment. Let’s see in detail why.

SDS: working safely with chemicals

The purpose of the MSDS is to provide the information needed to safely handle and transport chemicals. These include:

  • The description of the chemical substance or mixture;
  • the hazards associated with exposure to the chemical and the protective measures to be taken (e.g., personal protective equipment to be worn);
  • emergency procedures to be taken in case of an accident involving the chemical (e.g., what to do in case of fire or skin contact).

What information does the MSDS contain?

Information about the chemical substance or mixture is broken down into different sections within the MSDS. This structure is codified in the
GHS regulations
, so as to be clearly interpretable regardless of the language and country of the supplier.

The chemical product information

The first section of an MSDS contains general information about the product, including name, chemical identity (with CAS number), manufacturer/supplier contact information, and emergency phone numbers.

Safety Directions.

The second section identifies the specific health effects associated with exposure to the chemical. It also includes symptoms associated with overexposure or long-term exposure.

The third section lists hazardous reactions that can occur when exposed people come into contact with these chemicals in combination with other chemicals or materials used at work sites where these products are present. It also outlines measures to prevent such accidents. In addition to the harmful effects on the human body, the SDSs also illustrate the hazards to the environment. The MSDS thus covers all aspects of HSE( Health, Safety & Environment, literally Health, Safety and Environment) compliance.

How to read safety data sheets?

Reading an MSDS is the first step in understanding how a chemical substance or mixture behaves, and then understanding how to safely handle and transport it.

Here are some recommendations on how to carefully read MS DSs on mixtures and chemicals:

  • Find the hazard section of the MSDS, which is usually located near the end of the document. This section should contain information about the risks associated with the use of or exposure to that particular chemical. It also includes recommendations for the use of protective equipment such as gloves or masks, if necessary. Check here before starting work with this substance!
  • Look for the emergency contacts, usually placed at the beginning of the SDS. In case of an accident, it may be necessary to contact the supplier promptly.
  • Then read all sections of this document carefully; each contains important information on safe handling procedures for materials, e.g., liquids or solids or gases, etc.

Where to find chemical safety data sheets?

Safety data sheets for mixtures and chemicals are not only available in paper format, but also on the Internet in digital format. They can then be downloaded as PDF or Word documents, making them very easy to read and use.

How to create an SDS with Chemilla, the GHS software from F1 Consulting & Services

The MSDS is an essential element for managing health, safety and environmental risks (
HSE compliance
) of your company.

An easy way to create an MSDS is to use Chemilla, a cloud-based GHS software that makes it quick and easy to manage this information. It is developed by the expert team of F1 Consulting & Service, a company with decades of experience in regulatory consulting.

A ChemillaMS DS includes all necessary information about the chemical, including its composition and hazards, as well as storage conditions and handling instructions. The
HSE Manager Chemilla software
also offers the ability to access the
ECHA database
, so you can automatically retrieve all the information related to your chemical. With Chemilla, it is also possible to generate the
UFI code
, send the
notification to the poison control center (PCN)
and design and print
hazard labels (ADR labels)
directly from enterprise devices.

Contact us to request a free demo and without obligation! We will show you how our MSDS software works and what unique benefits it can bring to your business.

environment safety & health EHS

The importance of HSE management in chemical companies

Environment, Health & Safety are three key elements for companies working with chemicals.

But to what extent are companies aware of the importance of good HSE management? Let’s analyze this point along with some tips on how best to handle it.

How important are Environment, Health & Safety policies?

The area ofEnvironment, Health & Safety (or HSE) is one of the top priorities of every chemical company. The reason for this is easy to guess: to protect the safety of workers and residents in the surrounding areas, but also the ability to keep production started efficiently and with minimal environmental impact. All these are elements that ensure the economic development of the society itself.

In addition, adopting proper management in HSE can be a competitive advantage in international competition. In a chemical company, the safety of workers and the environment in general is a key element in ensuring its economic development. In fact, compliance with safety standards in industrial activities and in the use of chemicals helps to reduce operating costs and thus the final price of production.

Where to start in order to comply with HSE principles?


To comply with HSE principles, the company should rely on good planning, proper organization and management of information, and effective communication.

Planning is the first step in the implementation of an Environment, Health & Safety project. Good design should include taking appropriate measures to minimize the risk of accidents and occupational diseases, as well as assessing the consequences that may result from accidents or failures.


Along with risk assessment and management, which is also linked to the regulations of d.leg. 81/2008, within the HSE falls the management of products, notices and notifications for the transport of dangerous goods, labeling of chemicals, i.e., everything that includes the
GHS regulations

To ensure the protection Environment, Health & Safety it is therefore necessary to pay attention to regulatory compliance related to chemicals. To do this, it is useful to rely on computer systems that can facilitate the drafting of all the necessary documentation, managing and filing it nimbly.

Better Managing Environment, Health & Safety

The management of risks related to the safety of a chemical product requires the adoption of appropriate measures, covering both the development phase of the chemical itself (safety assessment) and the marketing phase. In the former case, the information must be provided to the laboratory at the stage of product development or at the latest when the product is placed on the market, and in the latter case to the purchaser and relevant product handling personnel.

Some tips to better manage Environment, Health & Safety

Having an awareness

To best manage theEnvironment, Health & Safety (HSE) of chemicals, it is critical to have an awareness of the quality of the information you have and how you use it. It may go without saying, but knowing your products, your market, and your company’s needs is the first step in improving HSE and GHScompliance management.

Know the legislation well (or rely on an expert)

The only way to ensure the safety of the environment and workers within your company is to know the relevant legislation. It is not just a bureaucratic issue. By complying with regulations, you can be sure that you have taken all necessary steps to limit risks to the safety of the environment and workers. Consult an expert to be sure you have taken all necessary precautions. You can also rely on software created specifically to manage GHS compliance, so you can be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest regulatory changes.

Implement chemical and safety management

The implementation of a chemical management strategy. is a key step in protecting the environment, employees, and the reputation of companies: it should include creating and maintaining an inventory of chemical agents used, complying with environmental laws and regulations, completing risk assessments associated with the use of chemical agents, and other activities to ensure safety. Again, relying on GHS compliance software is a great way to simplify the work.

Tracking compliance with regulations

Traceability of chemicals is a practice that ensures companies’ compliance with current legislation and any other specific regulations, such as those related to environmental compliance and workplace safety. Several techniques can be used to keep a record of activities and obtain data on the progress of production:

  1. Manual surveys
  2. Records in paper format
  3. Digital records and databases: relying on a
    GHS compliance management software
    you can store your own data, such as the SDSs of your chemicals. You will then have everything under control and accessible at all times.

HSE compliance management

F1 Consulting & Service has been working alongside companies for more than 10 years to provide technology and digital solutions that can streamline processes, facilitate work and increase earnings. Our extensive experience with chemical companies led us to create a solution to manage GHS regulatory compliance, to further attempt to help companies working with chemicals manage their businesses according to HSE principles.

That is why we developed Chemilla, a cloud-based software that can manage GHS compliance and enables companies working with chemicals to better comply with Environment, Health & Safety (HSE) regulations.

Chemilla is a valuable tool for companies working with chemicals. Find out what offers are available now!

I software compliance EH&S: come gestire la normativa GHS

HSE compliance software: how to manage GHS regulation

GHS regulatory compliance software are IT tools designed to help companies comply with chemical safety regulations. The GHS, or Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, is an international system of classification and labeling of chemicals designed to facilitate communication between different countries on health and risk prevention from chemicals.

GHS regulatory compliance software has been developed for this. This type of program enables companies to manage chemical information in a secure and regulatory-compliant manner. They facilitate the work of HSE employees and managers, ensuring compliance with national and international laws.

How does GHS regulatory compliance management software work?

A GHS regulatory compliance management software is designed to help companies comply with chemical safety regulations. Typically, these software offer a range of features to manage chemical information in a secure and regulatory-compliant manner.

The main main features

Here are some of the main features of a GHS regulatory compliance management software:

    1. Creating security labels
    2. Compilation of safety data sheets (SDS)
    3. Management of security communications
    4. Monitoring of production and distribution activities
  1. Creating security labels

GHS regulatory compliance management software can be used to create safety labels for chemicals according to GHS regulations. GHS labels for all products can be created in a few clicks and sent directly to printers already in the company. All product information will be quickly retrieved from the software database.

  1. Compilation of safety data sheets (SDS)

As with labels, GHS software can be used to create
Safety Data Sheets.
) by drawing on information in the software database. This makes it possible to automate processes and speed up work, with guaranteed compliance with safety regulations.

  1. Management of security communications

GHS regulatory compliance management software can be used to manage safety communications with customers and suppliers, such as sending them chemical SDSs or creating UFI code for notification to the European Poison Control Center.

  1. Monitoring of production and distribution activities

Through the use of GHS regulatory compliance software, it is also possible to monitor production and distribution activities to ensure that regulations are always met. By integrating with enterprise quality management systems (Q MS) or environmental management systems (EMS), a complete and constant view of the chemical safety activity of the entire company can be obtained.

The benefits of using GHS compliance software

GHS regulatory compliance management software for chemicals can be very useful for companies that manufacture, store, or use chemicals, as it helps ensure that their products are properly labeled and classified in a GHS-compliant manner.

The benefits of using GHS compliance software

The main benefits of using GHS regulatory compliance management software for chemicals are:

Increased security

GHS compliance software can help ensure that chemicals are labeled correctly and completely. It provides important information about hazards and how to handle them safely. In addition, regulations undergo continuous updates: by relying on GHS compliance software, all documents will always remain compliant with the latest released standard.

Time saving

The information already in the databases, the automatic retrieval of the necessary data, the automatic compilation into the different document formats needed, the translations-all this can be done with just a few clicks. Saving time is definitely one of the main benefits of using GHS compliance software.

Increased efficiency

The software can provide complete visibility into the management of chemicals within the company, allowing any problems or inefficiencies in processes to be identified and prompt action to be taken to resolve them.

Cost reduction

Using GHS regulatory compliance management software also reduces the costs associated with chemical classification and labeling, both in terms of time and materials.

Why choose regulatory compliance software?

Why GHS regulatory compliance software is an indispensable tool for companies working with chemicals. They must comply with chemical safety regulations, by legal obligation and to protect the health of their buyers and the environment.

These systems help to efficiently manage chemical product information, create labels, sheets safety data sheets and monitor production and distribution activities to ensure compliance with regulations.

Choose Chemilla

With Chemilla, you can simplify your work by integrating compliance software with your ERP business systems. Chemilla can adapt to your needs and communicate with your business systems, ensuring seamlessHSE compliance.

This will save you time and money, but most importantly it will improve the quality of the work you do.

Chemilla is an indispensable tool for companies working with chemicals. Take a look at our offers available now!

HSE compliance for chemicals: manage them with Chemilla!

HSE, or Health, Safety & Environment. Literally “Health, Safety and Environment,” the acronym refers to all those systems or people who are dedicated to the safety of people and the environment in business.

Health, Safety & Environment

The acronym HSE goes along with the different professional figures. For example, the HSE Specialist deals with solving problems that affect the safety of the working environment, in terms of workers’ health and environmental protection, while the HSE Manager is the professional figure responsible for organizing and defining a business strategy that anticipates security risks.

HSE Compliance

Similarly, the concept of Health, Safety & Environment can be applied to regulatory compliance, going to all those regulations that affect health, safety and environment.
Every company is required to comply with HSE regulations, and companies working with chemicals in particular must handle this carefully, as they must also implement the GHS regulation.

GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

Companies working with chemicals must comply with GHS regulations.

“Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals,” the GHS is an internationally agreed standard administered by the United Nations created to standardize patterns of classification and labeling of hazardous materials.

In fact, for chemicals, there are specific regulations governing their handling and the documentation attached to them in order to use, transport and place them on the market.
All this in order to protect Safety, Health and the Environment. This is why the GHS regulations for chemicals fall under the broader area of HSE complicity.

How to manage chemicals: regulatory compliance

To maintain HSE compliance when working with chemicals, it is important to adhere to all the directions of the GHS standard. In practice, this means that for every hazardous substance that you use, transport or trade, you must:

  • Classifying the danger
  • Drafting a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
  • Print compliant hazard labels
  • Forwarding the IPA notification to the Poison Control Center

Software that automates processes while ensuring regulatory compliance can be used to facilitate these processes and ensure HSE compliance when dealing with chemicals.

HSE software for chemicals

HSE Software enables the management of chemical risk and chemical agents in the workplace.

In particular, they enable the rapid application of GHS standards through the automatic creation of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), labels and other documentation.

Why rely on specific software for GHS compliance?

Those who have worked in the chemical industry for years can already guess the answer. Relying on software that manages GHS compliance for you allows you to avoid any kind of error. Standards will always be met, in accordance with the most up-to-date regulatory compliance.

Updating the software with compliance with the latest standards is one of the less obvious but more important benefits associated with using an application for the HSE management: this will allow you to never incur malfeasance and consequent penalties, without taking on the burden of changing your SDS templates for chemicals or other templates. It will all happen automatically through the software update.

HSE Compliance

Chemilla: HSE for chemical products

is a cloud-based HSE compliance management software for chemicals. Our solution, developed by the team of
F1 Consulting & Services
, was designed after years of work in the field of business consulting. In particular, Chemilla was born out of an ongoing dialogue carried on with companies working with chemicals to solve their specific problems.

it is possible to manage the entire HSE complicity for chemicals, standardizing the necessary documents to the GHS standard. For example, with Chemilla you can create with one click a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that follows EU CLP, US HazCom or China regulations and translate it into more than 30 languages! With the same ease, you can also create and print labels, again in compliance with the HSE accomplice.

Chemilla offers a
free demo
opportunity to see the software live in action.

Discover Chemilla!

, work will be even easier thanks to the possibility of
Integration with major ERPs
or custom management systems. A software that can talk to your business systems by adapting to your needs, helping you maintain HSE compliance at all times. A savings in time and money, and a gain in quality of work done.

Chemilla is a valuable tool for companies working with chemicals.
Find out what offers are available now!

Safety Data Sheets (SDS): always up to date with Chemilla

Chemicals are contained in a great number of items on the market, including everyday items. The most common include detergents and paints, but lime used in construction companies and chlorine in swimming pools are also chemicals, as are some components used in perfumery and cosmetics. The usefulness of these products is undeniable, but it is important that they be handled, used, and disposed of according to proper methodologies to avoid harm to people, property, or the environment. Some chemicals are highly toxic and can cause serious harm to human health if not handled properly. That is why safety data sheets (SDS) exist.

What are Safety Data Sheets (SDS)?

Chemical safety data sheets are documents that provide information about the chemical properties of a substance or mixture and the precautions to be taken when handling it.

The MSDS is regulated by the Environmental, Health and Safety (known as.
HSE Compliance
, or simply HSE). This regulatory framework aims to identify the various substances and achieve a standard of compliance in production and classification within the various manufacturing companies.

What information does an SDS communicate?

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are the key component of compliance with chemical regulations. Thanks to MSDSs, manufacturers can:

  • Provide important information about the type of substance or mixture;
  • Communicate clearly and concisely the potential hazards associated with their products;
  • Inform about what to do in case of first aid, fire or accidental release;
  • Illustrate the behaviors to be adopted when using that substance.

The problem of SDS management: time and resources.

We have seen how MSDSs are a very important tool for the safety of those who use the chemicals you produce, as well as legally required. Nevertheless, drafting and managing them as best as possible is a cumbersome task for most companies.

Manage chemical safety data sheets:

    • You have to manually fill out an SDS whenever a substance is used.
    • Translate it into the different languages if you export within the European Union.
    • If you also export outside the EU, you will not just change languages. Another form will need to be filled out according to the regulations of the destination countries.
    • Not to mention the risk of not staying up-to-date with legislation: laws change quickly, and staying abreast can translate into a full-time job.

Your production and your work are important, and managing MSDSs to the best of your ability is a crucial part. To do this quickly and without errors, the best choice is to use HSE Compliance Management Software. You will stay up to date with the latest legislation, save time, and be able to work worry-free.


The right software can help you easily create and manage MSDSs

Taking advantage of SDS management software is the most effective way to optimize your work . What’s more, you will never be able to make mistakes when writing SDSs.

Automated GHS Compliance software can help you generate, save and submit SDSs, translate them, and maintain compliance with regulatory updates.

The best GHS software: a wise choice

If you work with chemicals, you will already be well aware of how strict the regulations are on writing MSDSs. Therefore, when you choose GHS software make sure that the manufacturers are reputable and ensure that the system is constantly adjusted to the latest standards that have come into effect.

Don’t wait to make safety a priority. Look for software that can offer you the assurance of
HSE compliance
and automation systems to make your work easier.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

The solution we created for you

Working in business consulting for as long as we can remember, we have over the years built close dialogue relationships with companies. Listening to their problems with the management of the whole regulatory aspect related to the
HSE Compliance
and, in particular, with the management of Safety Data Sheets (SD S) prompted us to create an ad hoc solution.

The resulting product is.
, a cloud-based software for worldwide chemical compliance management .

What does Chemilla do for SDS management?

Chemilla is a complete MSDS management solution. It offers a number of advanced features for generating, saving, sending and printing SDSs, as well as translating and updating compliance. Chemilla allows users to generate an SD S in a few simple steps, save and send SDSs directly to recipients.

The team of
F1 Consulting & Services
also boasts experts who are dedicated to constantly updating the software as regulations change. It is a solution that is as powerful and reliable as it is easy to use. The cloud architecture frees Chemilla, allowing you to use the application anywhere and from any device.

Chemilla also offers a
free demo
opportunity to see the software in action firsthand. Learn about all the other features of
on the dedicated page.

Material Safety Data Sheets: drafting, sending and automatic translation

Chemilla ‘s main functions related to MSDSs include:

  • GHS calculation
  • Implementation of SDSs according to regulations:
    • EU CLP
    • US HazCom
    • China GB
  • Saving and archiving, with automatic periodic backups
  • Submission of SDSs
  • Translation into over 30 languages
  • Fast revision management
  • Notifications to authorities
  • Constant regulatory adjustments ensured by F1 Consulting & Services team

Material Safety Data Sheets: easy with Chemilla

HSE Compliance management software is a valuable tool for companies that care about safety and compliance.

, work will be even easier thanks to the possibility of
Integration with major ERPs
or custom management systems. A software that can talk to your business systems by adapting to your needs, helping you maintain HSE Compliance at all times. A savings in time and money, and a gain in quality of work done.

Chemilla is a valuable tool for companies working with chemicals and MSDSs.
Find out about available offerings now!