is a cloud-based software designed for HSE compliance management of chemicals and developed by F1 Consulting & Services. Among the services it offers, along with GHS label creation and UFI code generation and communication, is the automatic compilation of chemical safety data sheets (SDSs).
We have already seen what SDSs are and why they are important within GHS compliance management. Today we are going to look in detail at the information contained within MSDS of chemicals.
Chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Chemical Safety Data Sheets(SDS) are intended to provide the information needed to safely transport and handle substances that are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment.
The structure of the SDSs follows the
GHS/REACH regulation
. It consists of 16 points, each of which must contain some minimum information.
Composition of SDSs: the 16 points
- Identification of the substance or mixture and the company/enterprise
- Hazard identification
- Composition/ingredient information
- First aid measures
- Firefighting measures
- Measures in case of accidental release
- Handling and storage
- Atonement control/individual protection
- Physical and chemical properties
- Stability and responsiveness
- Toxicological information
- Ecological information
- Disposal considerations
- Transportation information
- Regulatory information
- More information
Point by point: the minimum contents of Safety Data Sheets for Chemical Products
Each item in the MSDS must be filled out properly. There is minimum information that must be included within each section.
To assist companies in this time-consuming task, Chemilla offers a database of chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from which to draw directly.
Create an MSDS in one click with Chemilla!
1. Identification of the substance or mixture and the company/undertaking.
- Identification of the substance or preparation: name, other identifying data such as trade name, common names, EC, CAS or Index numbering (see Annex VI CLP Regulation).
- Recommended uses of the substance/preparation.
- Identification of the company or enterprise.
- Emergency telephone number.
2. Hazard identification.
- Hazard classification of the substance or mixture.
- Indication of hazards.
- Label elements including “Cautionary Advice.”
3. Composition/information on ingredients
- Chemical identity. If it is a mixture, all components deemed hazardous above a certain amount should also be included.
- Common name and any other names.
- Identification numbers (such as CAS, registration number etc.).
- Impurities and stabilizing additives useful in classifying the substance.
4. First aid measures
- First aid measures to be applied in case of accidental exposure. They are divided by exposure routes (inhalation, skin and eye contact, ingestion).
- Information on whether urgent or special medical intervention is needed and any specific treatment (such as administration of an antidote or monitoring).
Information on first aid should be written in a clear and understandable way even for lay people. Additional technical information for specialized personnel can be entered under the heading “Notes for medical personnel.” All indications must follow the precautionary advice given in section 2.2 of the MSDSs for chemicals.
5. Firefighting measures
- Authorized extinguishing media and those not authorized for safety reasons.
- Special hazards during combustion (such as exposure to gases, inhalation, vapor clouds, or risk of explosion).
- Special equipment needed for firefighters.
6. Measures in case of accidental release (to prevent or minimize adverse effects).
- Personal precautionary measures: behavior, equipment and emergency procedures for both direct responders and nonresponders.
- Environmental precautions and remedies: methods of containment, collection, remediation.
To avoid repetition, Section 6 may refer to Section 8 of the MSDS for chemicals for personal precautions, and 13 for environmental precautions, respectively.
7. Handling and storage
- Guidance on safe handling, such as containment and prevention measures for fire, aerosol and dust; guidance on avoiding hazards caused by incompatibilities between substances and reducing the risk of chemical release.
- Conditions for safe storage (including possible incompatibilities). Also included in this subsection is guidance for managing risks associated with explosive atmospheres, control of effects caused by the environment (such as humidity or vibration), maintenance of substrates, and other advice such as ventilation requirements, quantity limits etc.
- Other information.
Additional insights can be gained in the next section of the chemical safety data sheet (SDS).
8. Atonement control/individual protection
- Control parameters.
- Exposure controls.
9. Physical and chemical properties
- Information on basic physical and chemical properties (appearance, odor, pH etc.).
- Other chemical/physical information.
10. Stability and responsiveness
- Responsiveness.
- Chemical stability.
- Possibility of dangerous reactions.
- Conditions to avoid.
- Incompatible materials.
- Hazardous decomposition products.
The information in item 10 refers to the previous section of the SDS. It is common practice to use Section 9 of MSDSs for chemicals to list measurable properties and include a (qualitative) description of possible consequences in the current section.
11. Toxicological information
- Information on toxicological effects, such as likely routes of exposure (inhalation, contact, or ingestion), symptoms, immediate and subsequent adverse effects, including chronic effects, caused by short-term and long-term exposure.
All information in this section must be consistent with sections 2-4, 6-9, 13-15 of the chemical safety data sheet (SDS).
12. Ecological information
- Toxicity, that is, the effects on the environment if released.
- Persistence and degradability.
- Bioaccumulation potential.
- Mobility in soil.
- Results of PBT and vPvB assessment.
- Other adverse effects.
All information in this section must be consistent with sections 2-4, 6-9, 13-15 of the chemical safety data sheet (SDS).
13. Disposal considerations
- Methods for proper waste management and treatment. Appropriate directions for disposing of containers (if contaminated) should also be provided inside.
14. Transport information
- UN number, which is the classification for transporting the substance or mixture by road, rail, sea, inland waters or air.
- UN shipping name.
- Transport-related hazard classes, often with additional information, restrictions or indications for marine pollutants.
- Packaging group.
- Environmental hazards.
- Special precautions for users (refer to section 8 of the MSDS for chemicals).
- Bulk transport by sea or inland waters according to MARPOL Annex II and the IBC Code.
15. Regulatory information
- Legislative and regulatory health, safety and environmental provisions specific to the substance or mixture not indicated by other sections of the MSDS for chemicals.
- Possible chemical safety assessment (CSA).
16. Other information
Normally, information such as:
- Changes to previous versions of SDS.
- Legend for abbreviations and acronyms.
- Bibliographic references and sources.
- More technical advice on formulation for chemical handlers.
For more technical information, you can consult the official ECHA documentation.
MSDSs for chemicals with Chemilla
Compiling an SDS to perfection is time-consuming and responsible work. Your production and work are important to us, which is why we developed Chemilla. With our HSE Compliance Management Software you can create chemical safety data sheets automatically. Chemilla’s database contains all the major chemicals-you only have to select your comporto and the software will take care of the rest.
The MSDSs of the chemicals you make will always be updated in content and form to the most recent legislation.
Stop manually filling out SDSs today, discover the
free demo offered by Chemilla