Schede di sicurezza miscele

Mixture Safety Data Sheets (SDS): reading and understanding them

Mixture Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are informational documents that briefly and clearly describe the chemical hazards present in a given preparation.

What are mixture Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)?

Mixture Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are documents that provide information on the harmful effects and precautions to be taken when using and handling chemicals. SDSs are available in the original language and in all officially recognized international languages. The translated version can be used as an aid to consulting the original. Some
software to manage GHS regulatory compliance
, such as
, are able to automatically translate the Mixture Safety Data Sheets into different languages by adapting them to the specific regulations of the target country.

The Mixture Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) list the following data:

  • General description of the product (main ingredient, extract or derivative, etc.).
  • Main components (for example: solvent or volatile organic substance)
  • Harmful effects of the product on the human body (risk category)
  • Precautions/warnings/special instructions for use

What is the content of the Mixture Safety Data Sheets?

The Mixture Safety Data Sheet contains important information about the chemical, such as:

  • name, CAS number (where available), EINECS/ELINCS number (where available), chemical formula;
  • physical properties and thus the physical characteristics of the chemical;
  • toxicological properties and thus the toxicological properties of the chemical;
  • ecotoxicological properties and thus the ecotoxicological properties of the chemical;
  • Exposure pathways and contact with other materials or people.

What is the classification of chemical hazards?

Mixture Safety Data Sheets are the main tool for communicating the nature of hazards present in the work environment. Knowing and understanding MSDSs is critical to protecting the health and lives of people who work with chemicals, as well as any person who comes in contact with them.

Chemical hazard classification is a coding that describes the degree of risk a chemical substance may pose to human health and the environment. The classification is based on a combination of two factors:

  • The likelihood that a substance will give rise to harmful effects,
  • How serious these effects are.

Chemical hazards are divided into groups according to their degree of danger:

  • very dangerous substances
  • dangerous substances
  • harmless substances

Why is classification important for chemical hazards?

Classification for chemical hazards is important for understanding chemical risk.

The classification is based on the probability of exposure and severity of consequences. Hazard classes are defined by the source of nature of the chemical agent, which may be toxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic. Risks may also be influenced by other factors such as individual sensitivities and experience in using or storing the product subject to an emergency assessment.

Safety Data Sheets Mixtures

What does the MSDS say in the information part?

In the section titled “Hazard Information” of the Mixture Safety Data Sheets, you will find information on how to identify the hazards of this chemical and what to do if you are exposed to it.

These are some of the questions you can answer from this section:

  • What are the risks of exposure to this chemical?
  • What are the dangers of this chemical?
  • What are the symptoms of exposure to this chemical?
  • What first aid measures should be taken at home or on site?

How to read the numbered item “Precautions for safe use”?

The Mixture Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS) includes information on the hazard and how to control the chemical. The “Precautions for Safe Use” section contains key information regarding precautions that should be taken when using the chemical.

The advice is one that everyone should follow: read the sheet carefully before using or handling the product, paying particular attention to the following parts:

  • Safety precautions for handling (items 4 and 5)
  • Precautions for use and handling (item 6)

What is the purpose of first aid information?

First aid information is an integral part of the
. Inside we find:

  • Name of product or material that may cause harm to humans (if applicable)
  • Signs or symptoms indicating exposure to chemicals or hazardous materials
  • First aid treatment
  • Special medical care needed for exposed persons with technical details for health care workers and physicians (if needed)

What is the purpose of medical treatment news?

Within the
there are also guidelines for health and medical personnel. It is a good idea for anyone handling or using chemicals to have the SDS (or, for commercial products, the GHS Label affixed to the packaging) with them at all times. In the event of an accident, it is necessary to report the information on these documents to the medical personnel in charge of the case. This information is critical for health care personnel to easily and without error understand the correct first aid maneuvers or prescribed therapy.

Product Description.

Also found within the Mixture Safety Data Sheet is a more descriptive section, which goes on to list the characteristics of the product. These are not strictly safety data (the risk of a substance, hazards, behaviors to avoid, etc. are not stated), but they are still useful information for understanding the chemical. Specifically we discuss:

  • physicochemical data
  • physical stability
  • chemical interference

What does the information on environmental effects mean?

Data on environmental effects are important because they give you an idea of how your product will affect the environment.

  • “Environmental Hazard Classification” indicates the type of impact a chemical could have on the environment: acute toxicity to aquatic organisms, chronic toxicity to aquatic organisms, and acute toxicity to terrestrial organisms are three examples.
  • “Terrestrial Toxicity Classification” indicates whether this chemical is expected to be harmful if it enters soil or groundwater: for example, it may cause skin irritation or harm animal life in soil.

What do the exposure data and toxic properties say?

In this section is an indication of whether the chemical is flammable, toxic, corrosive, or reacts with water (e.g., will cause corrosion in pipes or containers). The leader also provides details on any special precautions needed when working with the material.

The Mixture Safety Data Sheets

In conclusion, Mixture Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are an essential document for the chemical industry. This is because it contains all the information needed to understand and use different products safely. The MSDS must be present at all times throughout the life of the product, as well as its reading and understanding by the people who use it.

For best create and manage your SDSs, so that you can ensure total compliance with the GHS compliance of each country in which you operate and the safety of people and the environment, you can rely on Chemilla, the cloud-based software from F1 Consulting & Services for the GHS compliance management!
Contact us for a FREE demo!


environment safety & health EHS

The importance of HSE management in chemical companies

Environment, Health & Safety are three key elements for companies working with chemicals.

But to what extent are companies aware of the importance of good HSE management? Let’s analyze this point along with some tips on how best to handle it.

How important are Environment, Health & Safety policies?

The area ofEnvironment, Health & Safety (or HSE) is one of the top priorities of every chemical company. The reason for this is easy to guess: to protect the safety of workers and residents in the surrounding areas, but also the ability to keep production started efficiently and with minimal environmental impact. All these are elements that ensure the economic development of the society itself.

In addition, adopting proper management in HSE can be a competitive advantage in international competition. In a chemical company, the safety of workers and the environment in general is a key element in ensuring its economic development. In fact, compliance with safety standards in industrial activities and in the use of chemicals helps to reduce operating costs and thus the final price of production.

Where to start in order to comply with HSE principles?


To comply with HSE principles, the company should rely on good planning, proper organization and management of information, and effective communication.

Planning is the first step in the implementation of an Environment, Health & Safety project. Good design should include taking appropriate measures to minimize the risk of accidents and occupational diseases, as well as assessing the consequences that may result from accidents or failures.


Along with risk assessment and management, which is also linked to the regulations of d.leg. 81/2008, within the HSE falls the management of products, notices and notifications for the transport of dangerous goods, labeling of chemicals, i.e., everything that includes the
GHS regulations

To ensure the protection Environment, Health & Safety it is therefore necessary to pay attention to regulatory compliance related to chemicals. To do this, it is useful to rely on computer systems that can facilitate the drafting of all the necessary documentation, managing and filing it nimbly.

Better Managing Environment, Health & Safety

The management of risks related to the safety of a chemical product requires the adoption of appropriate measures, covering both the development phase of the chemical itself (safety assessment) and the marketing phase. In the former case, the information must be provided to the laboratory at the stage of product development or at the latest when the product is placed on the market, and in the latter case to the purchaser and relevant product handling personnel.

Some tips to better manage Environment, Health & Safety

Having an awareness

To best manage theEnvironment, Health & Safety (HSE) of chemicals, it is critical to have an awareness of the quality of the information you have and how you use it. It may go without saying, but knowing your products, your market, and your company’s needs is the first step in improving HSE and GHScompliance management.

Know the legislation well (or rely on an expert)

The only way to ensure the safety of the environment and workers within your company is to know the relevant legislation. It is not just a bureaucratic issue. By complying with regulations, you can be sure that you have taken all necessary steps to limit risks to the safety of the environment and workers. Consult an expert to be sure you have taken all necessary precautions. You can also rely on software created specifically to manage GHS compliance, so you can be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest regulatory changes.

Implement chemical and safety management

The implementation of a chemical management strategy. is a key step in protecting the environment, employees, and the reputation of companies: it should include creating and maintaining an inventory of chemical agents used, complying with environmental laws and regulations, completing risk assessments associated with the use of chemical agents, and other activities to ensure safety. Again, relying on GHS compliance software is a great way to simplify the work.

Tracking compliance with regulations

Traceability of chemicals is a practice that ensures companies’ compliance with current legislation and any other specific regulations, such as those related to environmental compliance and workplace safety. Several techniques can be used to keep a record of activities and obtain data on the progress of production:

  1. Manual surveys
  2. Records in paper format
  3. Digital records and databases: relying on a
    GHS compliance management software
    you can store your own data, such as the SDSs of your chemicals. You will then have everything under control and accessible at all times.

HSE compliance management

F1 Consulting & Service has been working alongside companies for more than 10 years to provide technology and digital solutions that can streamline processes, facilitate work and increase earnings. Our extensive experience with chemical companies led us to create a solution to manage GHS regulatory compliance, to further attempt to help companies working with chemicals manage their businesses according to HSE principles.

That is why we developed Chemilla, a cloud-based software that can manage GHS compliance and enables companies working with chemicals to better comply with Environment, Health & Safety (HSE) regulations.

Chemilla is a valuable tool for companies working with chemicals. Find out what offers are available now!